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Want to know how to cook mighty rice®, or the difference between white and brown grains or anything else about our lovely, healthy rice? If we haven’t answered your query, contact us here.
Where can I buy mighty rice®?
Our products are available for sale across Mauritius in most supermarkets. But international customers, don’t despair. We are actively working to get our rice to a natural food/gourmet store near you. If they don’t stock it, why not ask them to?!
Are your products Kosher Certified?
Yes, all our products are Kosher certified and Pareve by Earth Kosher.
Are your products genetically modified?
No, absolutely not. We can verify that through our participation in the Non-GMO Project. How should I store mighty rice®?
Too good for the back of the cupboard. Reseal and keep somewhere cool and dry.
As with any natural grain, deterioration can be caused by heat, light and pests.
Uncooked brown rice has a considerably shorter shelf life than uncooked white rice due to the oil in the germ layer. It’s a good idea to keep any whole grain product, including brown rice, refrigerated or in the freezer for a long shelf life.
What does whole grain mean?
It means that the germ and bran layer on the rice is left intact. All rice starts as a whole grain. When the germ and bran layer are removed, you get white rice. Most of the nutritional value in a grain of rice is within the germ and bran layer.
What is the Glycemic Index (GI)?
The Glycemic Index (GI) or ‘blood sugar index’, is a number that ranks carbohydrate foods from 1-100 according to the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (sugar) in the body.
The classification used for GI foods is as follows:
• Low GI = 55 and under
• Medium GI = 56 to 69
• High GI = 70 or more
A high GI food is one in which the carbohydrate breaks down quickly, causing a sharp rise and fall of blood glucose. A low GI food, like mighty rice® is one in which the carbohydrates break down slowly, producing a smaller and smoother rise and fall of glucose in the bloodstream. What is mighty rice®’s GI value?
Our rice has been tested by the University of Sydney and verified as being ultra-low GI with a GI of 48.
Why eat lower GI foods?
Foods with a low GI release sugar into the body more slowly, so that you feel fuller longer and don’t experience the energy spike known as sugar rush.
Is mighty rice® suitable for diabetics?
Yes, because mighty rice® has a lower GI than other rice varieties, it’s a great choice for diabetics or people who just want to enjoy healthy and nutritious rice. Is your rice gluten free?
Yes, our rice is gluten free and therefore ideal for people with celiac disease.
Is your facility gluten-free?
Yes, all of the products produced within our facilities are gluten-free which prevent our facilities from being exposed to gluten. Is mighty rice® suitable for those with celiac disease?
The only treatment for celiac disease is a gluten-free diet, such as with mighty rice®.
Celiac disease is not a food allergy – it is an auto-immune disease.
It is a life-long inflammatory disease of the upper small intestine cause by intolerance to gluten affecting many genetically susceptible people worldwide. Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other similar proteins in rye, barley and oats.
When people with celiac disease eat foods or use products containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging or destroying villi – the tiny, finger like projections that line the small intestine. Villi normally allow nutrients from food to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. Without villi, a person becomes malnourished, no matter how much food they eat.
The cause of celiac disease is still a mystery. Celiac disease is reported to be most common in Ireland and recent studies show that it affects 1:133 in the United States.
Where is mighty rice® grown?
mighty rice® is grown in a village called Rose Belle located in the south east of Mauritius.